Thursday, September 1, 2011


There are two categories of physical properties:
1) Intensive
2) Extensive

Intensive properties are properties that are independent of the amount of matter present.

  • Color - your hair remains the same color after you cut it (decrease the amount of matter present)

  • DENSITY - density is a ratio and does not change if the state of matter remains the same

  • Odor - 1/2 of a lemon smells like a lemon, 1/4 of a lemon smells like a lemon

  • Boiling point - 100 mL of water will boil at 100 degrees F, 200 mL of water will boil at 100 degrees F

  • Freezing point - 100 mL of water will freeze at 0 degrees F, 200 mL of water will freeze at 0 degrees F

  • Extensive
    Properties that depend on the amount of matter present.

  • Measurements - if I cut a 6 inches straw in half (remove matter), it is no longer 6 inches

  • Mass - if I remove 5 g from a 10 g sample (remove matter), it no longer weighs 10 g

  • Volume - if I add 10 mL to a 5 mL (add matter), it no longer has a volume of 5 mL

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