Monday, August 29, 2011


Matter can be classified into two main groups:

Mixtures and Substances.

  • Classified as either homogenous or heterogenous
  • Combination of two or more substances
  • Each component retains characteristic properties
  • Components can be easily separated

    Ex: Pepperoni Pizza
  • Combination of two or more substances (crust, cheese, sauce, pepperoni)
  • Each component retains characteristic properites (you can taste the cheese AND the pepperoni AND the crust...they tastes don't blend together like a cake)
  • Components can be easily seperated (if you don't like pepperoni you can peel it off


  • Homo - same
  • Homogenous solutions look the "same" throughout
  • They have a uniform composition
  • Consist of more than one phase of matter
  • Solute - part of the solution that gets dissolved
  • Solvent - part of the solution that does the dissolving

Ex: Kool-Aid

  • Made of two phases: 1) Solid - sugar and powder 2) Liquid - water
  • Cannot see the solid and liquid seperately, all looks the same
  • Solute - Sugar
  • Solvent - Water


  • Hetero - different
  • You can see the different parts

Ex: T-Bone steak

  • Does not all look the same
  • You can see the fat, the bone, and the meat

Classified as either an element or a compound.

  • Elements are pure substances
  • Simplest form of Matter
  • Elements can be found on the PT
  • Elements are written by their Chemical Symbol.
  • Contain one capital letter

Ex: Gold

  • Gold is a pure substnace
  • Gold can be found on the PT
  • Gold is written Au
  • There is only one capital letter in its symbol


  • Combination of Elements
  • Have two or more elements in their chemical symbol
  • Have two capital letters in their symbols
  • Elements do not retain characteristic properties
  • Not easily separated

Ex: Salt

  • Salt is a combination of the elements Sodium and Chlorine
  • Salt is written NaCl
  • There are two capitol letters.
  • Sodium and Chlorine blend together to create a compound with new chemical properties

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