Thursday, August 25, 2011

Chemical and Physical Changes

There are two types of change that matter can undergo:
1) Chemical
2) Physical

Chemical Change
Any change that results in the formation of new chemical substances.

Key Words: reacts, forms, rusts, decomposes, digests, burns, forms, releases a gas, acid, cook

  • gasoline burning - produces water vapor and CO2
  • eggs cooking - proteins uncoil and coil into a new form
  • bread rising - yeast converts carbohydrates into CO2 gas
  • milk souring - lactic acid is produced
  • suntanning - vitamin D and melanin are produced

Physical Change

Any change that doesn't affect the internal structure of molecules. Any change that does not result in the formation of a new substance.

Key Words: cut, break, any phase change (melt, boil, condense, etc) , dissolve

  • whipping egg whites - air is forced into the fluid, no new substance is produced
  • magnetising a compass needle - realigns groups of iron atoms, no new product is produced
  • boiling water - heats water, changes its state, does not produce a new product
  • dissolving sugar in water - sugar molecules disperse within the water, the individual sugar molecules are unchanged
  • dicing potatoes - separates molecules, but you still have potatoes


This website is a quiz on physical and chemical changes.
This website is a short review and a quiz.
This website discusses physical and chemical changes in depth and has links to other content areas of matter.

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