Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Chemical and Physical Properties of Matter

There are two categories that properties of matter can be broken down into:
1) Physical
2) Chemical

Physical Properties
Any characteristic that you can observe without changing the substance that makes up the material
i.e. the appearance.

  • Shape
  • Color
  • State of matter
  • Measurement
  • Odor
  • Magnetism - force of attraction or repulsion that acts at a distance (magnets)
  • Conductivity - ability to carry an electrical charge
  • Malleability - ability to be hammered into sheets
  • Ductility - ability to be drawn into wire
  • Melting point
  • Boiling point
Chemical Properties
Characteristics of a substance that tell if the substance can undergo a chemical change.

  • Combustibility - ability/readiness to combust
  • Flammability - ability/readiness to catch fire
  • Reactivity to air - reacts to exposure to air
  • Reactivity to light - ex. photo film paper
  • Acidity (pH)


This website has a brief review and quiz.
This website breaks down the differences in a chart. Very informative.
This website has great notes, quizzes, and worksheets.

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