Friday, September 16, 2011

Extra Credit Opportunity #2

Extra Credit Opportunity
Due: Monday, September 19

Create Flashcards of the following:

1. Scientists involved in Atomic Theory Development (7)
    Front: Name of Scientist
    Back: Year, contribution, experiment

2. Scientists involved in the Development of the Modern Periodic
    Table (6)
    Front: Name of Scientist
    Back: How he arranged the PT, what he contributed

3. Ions (2)
    Front: Type of Ion
    Back: Definition, what causes ions to form

4. Isotopes (1)
    Front: Isotope
    Back: Definition, what causes isotopes to form

5. Subatomic Particles (3)
    Front: Name of subatomic particle
    Back: Charge, mass, location

6. Families (4)
    Front: Family Name
    Back: Group #

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