Thursday, September 15, 2011

PT Review and Intro to Atomic Structure

Notes for Page 21.

In neutral (n) atoms
       Proton # is = to Electron #.

In all atoms
     Mass # is = p + n

- Smallest unit of an element that retains elemental properites
   (Dalton's Postulates)
- Are made of Subatomic particles (sub = smaller than, atomic = atom: smaller than an atom)
    1) Protons
         * found in the nucleus
         * charge of +1
         * mass = 1 amu
    2) Neutrons
         * found in the nucleus
         * no charge (neutral)
         * mass = 1 amu
    3) Electrons
         * found in the electron cloud
         * charge of -1
         * negligible (no) mass

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