Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Light and Planck's Constant

Notes for Page 29.

Review: (all Review Points taken from Page 17)
1) Energy of electrons increases as you move away from the nucleus.
2) You cannot pinpoint the exact location of an electron - only the general area (Heisenburg Uncertainty Principle - loosely)
3) Bohr put electrons in orbitals.


Frequency is inversly proportional to wavelength

- As frequency increases, wavelength decreases (gets shorter)
- As frequency decreases, wavelength increases (gets longer)

The formula for the relationship between frequency and wavelength is:

Why do I care about waves?
 1) Light travels in waves
 2) Electrons are made of light

- Travels in waves
- Very fast
- Electromagnetic Spectrum

How does this apply to Chemistry?
- Electrons are photons of light
- Atoms have an emission spectrum!
   * called the Atomic Emission Spectrum
   * Seen when an excited atom passes through a gas

How does it work?
1) Atom absorbs a certain amount of energy
2) Atom moves to a higher energy level (now called "excited")

3) Moves back down to its normal energy level (Ground State)
    - emits a packet of energy (quanta or photon) as it does this
4) We can see this emission of energy
    - comes out as color!

- Metals heat up and change color
- Max Planck wanted to explain this change of color
  * determined that energy changes in set units (quanta)
- Planck's Constant
  * Pertains to amount of energy released when an excited electron goes back to its Ground State
  * States: The amount of radiant energy (E) absorbed or emitted is proportional to the frequency of the
     radiation absorbed.

Planck's Constant = 6.6262 x 10 ^-34 Js

Click Here for an explanation of quanta, or photon.
Click Here for an explanation of Planck's Constant.
Click Here for the history and explanation of Planck's Constant.

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